Many of us like to set New Year’s resolutions, and many of us then struggle to keep them. In fact, some research has found that as many as 80% of people have broken their resolutions by February and just 8% manage to keep them for an entire year.
However, once again, the game of bingo is here to help. At the beginning of 2023, TikTok user Erin Jones created a post in which she explained that she has turned her New Year’s resolutions into a game of bingo, and in her words, “now that it’s a game, I’m going to win.”
@erinljones95 Happy new year. I’m turning goals in to a game because that’s how my brain works. #newyear #2023 #visionboard #manifestation #goalsetting ♬ original sound – Erin Jay579
Following her initial post, the trend began to take off, with some commentators praising her, saying “you’re a genius” and “I love this”.
The video gained hundreds of thousands of views, and she has made a number of follow-up videos as well as bingo cards for subsequent years, which are also proving to be a hit.
We always strive to introduce you to the most creative and innovative uses of bingo, such as the Call of Duty Boyfriend Bingo or Erin’s inventive New Year’s resolution bingo cards.
It seems that Erin really did find a way to succeed when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Talking to HuffPost UK, Psychologist Jessen James described her bingo game as “a really clever tool for motivation”. He explained that this is because “when things feel fun and manageable, we as human beings are more likely to stick with them”.
James added, “It also taps into the satisfaction of ticking off a box, which gives you a sense of progress and accomplishment.”
A study published in ScienceDirect in 2022 found that those who were given small rewards for exercising as part of a gamified process were far more likely to keep exercising than those who were left unrewarded.
These rewards can be extremely small and simple, such as ticking something on a list. As James explained:
“Human beings love ‘completion’ as it feels good and feels like progress. Our unconscious mind seeks for more of what it deems as good for us so we will aim to ‘tick off’ the next goal.”
By using a bingo card to track your New Year’s resolutions progress, each achievement becomes part of a series of successes rather than a binary succeed/fail system. By reframing things this way, people move their focus to the process rather than the end results, which helps them to stay motivated.
The hardest part of making your own New Year’s resolutions bingo card is likely to be thinking up enough resolutions. Therefore, think carefully whether you want to use a bingo card designed for the 90 ball, 80 ball, or 75 ball, version of the game.
Once you have your list of resolutions, you can either draw the card or find a blank one online to print. Then, it is just a matter of filling in the card with your resolutions. If you give some thought to the layout, then you may be able to reward yourself with 1 line and 2 line prizes at some point during the year.
Erin, the creator of the original card, decided to incorporate extra challenges by adding in “delusional” goals, which she feels she is unlikely to succeed in accomplishing. While you don’t have to do this, it is certainly one way of spicing things up.
In addition, we thoroughly recommend that you include at least one trip to your local bingo club and one session of online bingo on your card, as it never hurts to have some purely enjoyable resolutions to look forward to throughout the year.
If you manage to complete a full house, then you can say with confidence that in 2025, you have truly won at life.