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Online Bingo as a Team Building Event

Team building online bingo event
Online bingo event on Team Building

The change in working habits since the coronavirus pandemic has led to more and more people working at home. This can pose a number of challenges, one of which is forming bonds between team members. One way that companies are getting around this is with online team building bingo games.

Not only is online team building bingo a lot of fun, but also it is easy to organise and the games can be customised to make it a truly memorable event. The fact that you are here reading this suggests that you are already familiar with the basics of the game so we won’t dwell on them now. If not, then you can join one of our top rated bingo sites and practice your game.

What you will need to find for a virtual bingo game is some form of online space where you can connect with other players. It can be as simple as a video call over something like Skype or Zoom.

It is also necessary to make the bingo cards; these can be virtual or printable. It is a good idea to personalise the bingo cards. Instead of using numbers, you can use statements and inside jokes from work that will help bring the game to life for all of the players. The bingo caller simply reads the statements out and people can cross them off their cards.

If you want to make it into an ice-breaking event, then you can use each statement as a way to generate conversation and introduce people to each other. As such, there can be numerous benefits to a game of virtual team-building bingo:

Making Virtual Bingo Even More Fun

Virtual bingo is fun

There are bound to be some employees who will think “boring” as soon as the word bingo is mentioned. Therefore, it is worth going to some extra effort to ensure that the game is even more entertaining.

To begin with, you could offer small prizes, which will incentivise players and ensure they remain engaged in the game. As mentioned, the game can also be customised with company phrases, jokes, etc. You could also introduce an overriding theme for the game that will make it livelier.

You will need 24 statements or actions for your bingo cards, and the more relevant they are to your team, the better. Perhaps you would include “wears glasses” or “deletes emails without opening them”. It might be a good idea to get the team to submit funny facts about themselves beforehand that can then be included on the bingo cards.

All you then need to do is create a 5×5 grid and insert the statements in random positions on the card, remembering to leave the central square free. Of course, you can also use bingo cards found online if you don’t have time to create your own.

The Game Itself

First, you will need to ensure that everyone has access to his or her bingo card and that everyone has joined the video conference successfully. It is a good idea to ask players to share their screens so that everyone can follow the game together.

You can then start calling out the statements giving the players time to mark their cards in between. If you have asked players to submit funny facts about themselves then you can also incorporate a guessing game.

There are a number of different ways you can award prizes. It could be for completing 1 line, 2 lines, a full house, and so on. You could offer prizes such as a free lunch delivery, a free pass from a meeting, and so on.

Online Team Building Bingo Themes

A great way to make the game more engaging is to give it a theme. These themes can be very simple yet hugely enjoyable.

For example, you can make the theme the team and introduce a twist to the game. The statements on the cards could be job positions, projects, characteristics, etc., and players could then only cross off a statement if it applies to them. For example, you could include statements such as:

Another theme that everyone will relate to is remote working. It means that the statements used could be about specific remote working scenarios such as:

You could also build a bingo game that relates to what is happening during the conference call. In this game, the players would need to have their cameras on and the statements on the cards could include:

A True Bonding Experience

As is now hopefully clear, online team building bingo truly has a lot of potential to be an enjoyable experience that helps to bring the team closer together. With just a little effort, you can adapt the game so that it is truly relevant to the players, which will simply make it even more enjoyable. The game itself is easy to play and it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you are planning a team building event, then bingo may just be the answer you are looking for.

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Kat Anderson
Author: Kat Anderson
I’m all about enjoying a safe and fun bingo game, so I help our readers learn how to responsibly play bingo online with my detailed guides. I also like to share with you my favourite fun trivia bits that make the game so entertaining.

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